Cash App Stimulus Check: What is it? How to Withdraw It on Cash App?

May 25, 2022 by admin 12396 Views

Can you get a Stimulus check through Cash App- this is one of the most common questions I have seen people asking around me. In everyday life, while using Square Cash App, you might have come across the term Cash App stimulus Check. As I figured out that many people either have no or minimal knowledge about how they can get a stimulus check faster, I have decided to help them.

Of course, you always can get your stimulus or any other payment check directly to your address from the IRS within 40-60 working days. But, what if I tell you that there is a quicker way available with the help of which you can get directly deposited your payment check. Sound good? If yes, then this post is for you.

So, let’s get back to the main topic which is also a frequently asked question over the internet nowadays- How to withdraw stimulus checks on Cash App directly?

Can I get my stimulus check on my Cash App card?

Yes, now you can get directly deposited your stimulus check through Cash App with ease of mind. In fact, not only stimulus checks from the IRS but also you can get your monthly salary & regular payment checks from your employer.

Plus, once you receive your funds, you can withdraw money from the Cash App wallet at any ATM with the help of a Cash App Visa Debit Card. Also, if you wish you can transfer money to your linked bank account, that too for free.

How to get your stimulus check on Cash App?

The process to get a stimulus check in Cash App involves a few steps. The first thing you must do is to enable Cash App direct deposit. Also, be informed that you must have a Cash App cash card to receive the payments through checks in Square App. Read how to order and activate Cash App Visa debit card.

Moreover, you will also require to log in to the official site of the IRS and check out the “Get My Payment” tool. All you have to do is just update your Cash App routing number and account number.  Also, take a minute to share your personal details like SSN, D.O.B, and address and upload a photo-id proof as well, if asked. 

That’s not all, whenever you wish; you also can check the stimulus check status on the IRS portal. Normally, it takes 8-10 working days to receive payment through stimulus payment checks on Cash App. 

How to enable direct deposit to withdraw Cash App stimulus check?

Enabling a direct deposit on Cashapp is a one-time process. Once you activate it, you will get the important details that you will require to share with your check issuer or your employer. These are the simple steps to follow after Cash App login to activate Cash App direct deposit service.

  • Get into your profile tab.
  • You will find the “Cash” option under the bank tab; Tap it.
  • Scroll all the way down and you will see the “Direct Deposit” option. Hit on it.
  • The next screen will show you your cash app routing number.
  • And then, press the “Get Account Number” button.
  • Here comes a new screen with a Cash App account number.
  • Now, eventually, press the “Enable Direct Deposit” tab.

Bottom Line:

So far we have discussed all Cash App Stimulus checks and how to receive them directly in the cash app wallet. We briefly also discussed the simple but effective steps to enable direct deposit service on Cash App. We are sure you will find all the tips & tricks quite helpful.


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