While doing every day online and offline banking, you might have encountered two phrases “routing number” and “account number”. I bet almost everyone is aware of the account number, but many of you don’t have an idea about the routing numbers. It is quite normal if you don’t know what the routing number is and how it works. If you are using a Cash App as your personal payment app, it is important for you to learn about routing numbers. Why? Because with the help of routing numbers you can enable direct deposit and enjoy the hassle-free check withdrawal service. So, let’s find out how to find the Cash App routing number in simple steps.
Before you start searching for your routing number in your Cash App payment wallet, it would be great to take a minute to understand the meaning of the routing number. Here is a quick introduction.
You can think of a routing number as a 9-digit unique code that is assigned to all certified banks and financial institutions. If I get more specific, your routing number determines the area and state where you opened your account. For example, any branch of a bank available in New York City will have a different routing number from the branch which is available in Salt Lake City.
You may ask this question. Be informed that to carry out many important tasks to manage money such as direct deposit, bill payment, and check processing; the use of routing numbers is indispensable. That’s not all, for wire transfers and making payments through mobile apps like Cash App and Venmo; routing numbers play a very important role.
So, let’s get back to our main topic- How can you find your routing number on Cash App? Here is a quick rundown of some basic questions and answers.
Yes, Square payment does have its own routing number with the help of which you can enable direct deposit and make hassle-free payments. To find it out, you will require to follow a simple step-by-step process which I mentioned below in the next section.
Important Note: It is important to have an activated Cash App Visa Debit card to find your routing number and enable Cash App direct deposit.
Also Read: How to activate a Cash App card?
A routing number is also known as RTN. Also, it is worth noting that finding an RTN is part of enabling Cash App direct deposit. What I have personally liked about Cash App is that, once I enabled the direct check withdrawal service, I receive my stimulus check and monthly salary checks with ease of mind in my wallet directly too for free. These are steps to follow to find out your routing number in the Square payment app and enable direct deposit on the phone.
Important Note: No matter where you live in the US, Cash App has only one bank which is Lincoln Savings Bank, 508 Main, PO Box E Reinbeck, IA 50669.
Sorry to say, but a fact of the matter is that editing or changing your routing number in Cash App is not possible as of now directly. However, if you really want to change your RTN on Cash App, you can create a brand new account and choose a different residential address in another state in the US. But, for that make sure you have valid address proof as you will have to verify your identity as well.
In short, a Cash App RTN is a location Id that identifies the place where any user has opened his Cash App account. Also, remember that with the help of it you can enable direct paycheck withdrawal service in Cash App. If you face any kind of problem finding a Cash App routing number and enabling direct deposit, let us know through the comment section.